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magyar nyelvű adatlap
angol nyelvű adatlap
Laboratory of Specialisation
A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Smart grid laboratórium
Last updated: 2015. február 18.
Base theories of Electrotechnics, structure of power grids, fundamentals of power generation and distribution, operational principles of the power system, analysis of three-phase alternating current systems.
A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.
A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.
This sub-specialization laboratory course is based on the interest of those students would like to get involved in the topics of operation and planning of intelligent distribution networks, integration of renewable energy sources, principles of energy consumption and storage. The goal of the laboratory measurements and computer assisted tutorials is to promote the application in practice, helping the understanding of the physical background and the comprehension of the different calculation methods.
With passing the related measurements the students will get an insight into the operational methods during normal operation and troubleshooting specialities of the operational systems of the distribution networks. The modern devices of power generation and consumption will be introduced, the effect of electric mobility and energy storage will be analysed while the applied switching devices and its network interaction will be discussed. The students would be familiar with measuring the electrical and mechanical parameters of the static and rotating energy converters and electrical drives are involved in the power generation and consumption.
12 laboratory / computer room exercises from the below mentioned topics:
1. Laboratory measurements
1.1. Power quality impact of consumers, measuring of power quality characteristics
1.2. Power quality impact of rectifiers, measuring of the harmonic effect of household devices, reactive power compensation, harmonic filter design
1.3. Measuring of the network connection parameters of PV inverters
1.4. Analysis of AC/DC converters
1.5. Digital overcurrent protection relays on networks with distributed generation, application by bidirectional power flow
1.6. Substation EMC analysis – external on-site measurement
1.7. Microgrid management, inverters in island operation, renewable generation balance with consumers
1.8. Analysis of smart meters: parametrization, accuracy test, theft-detection, load control functions.
1.9. Analysis of Power Line Communication (PLC/BPL): network impedance measurement, transmission parameter measurement, spectral analysis (smart meter communication test)
1.10.Ideal switching off of direct and alternating shortcut currents on a concentrated parameter network model. Measuring and calculating of restriking voltage during the switching. Analysis of the effect of network parameters.
1.11.Detecting parameters of faults on cable insulation and cable utilities. Insulation diagnostic analysis of cable lines with the dielectric characteristics
1.12.Analysis of asynchronous machine.
1.13.Analysis of synchronous machine.
2. Computer room exercises, software appliance:
2.1. Load and voltage analysis of a low voltage network area, designing with different size household size PV system.
2.2. Analysis of the load and control characteristic of a high/medium voltage (120/20 kV) transformer substation for the purposes of small power generator connection, its effect on the voltage quality.
2.3. Technical and economic analysis of the development of the medium voltage network: development/operational costs, cable/covered overhead wire/overhead wire options, optimal displacement of opening sections, effect of the connecting small generating units.
Lecture weeks:
· Preparation for the laboratory measurements from the published leaflets.
· Effective work on the measurement.
· Documentation of measurements and computer analyses in measurement record.
Exam weeks: ---
At maximum two measurements can be retaken during the repeat period upon paying extra fee.
Via email or personally with the lecturers.
Power World Simulator Tutorial, Digsilent Power Factory Tutorial, Neplan Tutorial