Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

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    Diploma Thesis Design 2

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Diplomatervezés 2

    Last updated: 2012. október 17.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    Business Information Systems major, M.Sc. program

    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VITMM385   0/10/0/f 20  
    3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Kósa Zsuzsanna Mária,
    4. Instructors
    Name:Title:Department, Institute:
    Departmental advisor

    5. Required knowledge

    The subject builds on knowledge of the fields of study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK).

    6. Pre-requisites

    A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

    A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

    In order to obtain the M.Sc. degree, the student must write a thesis. The thesis must prove that the candidate is capable of independently solving problems in Business Information Systems, and the detailed expansion / implementation of model or system plan must confirm that he/she is proficient in and can apply computer science methods, has business insight, and is capable of evaluating and analyzing the chosen solution, as well as drawing conclusions.

    8. Synopsis

    The thesis topic can be chosen from the topics offered by one of the departments of the Faculty (the department responsible for the student’s specialization, if possible), with the approval of the department head. In the second semester, the thesis work started in the first semester shall be continued.

    A topic offered by another faculty, university, or a company (business organization) can be accepted only if the head of a department competent in the topic supports it and assigns a departmental advisor. The external advisor must be an expert with a university diploma or master’s (M.Sc.) degree and must be approved by the department head. The thesis topic shall be chosen and the thesis shall be written so that the work of the candidate can be evaluated without releasing information that violates the interests of the company (business organization). In exceptional cases, leading companies and business organizations in research and development can offer classified thesis topics. The student shall be aware of the classified nature of the topic when it is assigned.

    Thesis work can be carried out abroad as well. In this case, the topic and the tasks shall be confirmed in advance by a department competent in the subject, similarly to the case of industrial theses. The thesis must meet the Hungarian requirements. The foreign advisor must write a short report about the candidate’s work and the thesis, and this report shall be submitted to the final examination committee. The thesis written abroad needs to be defended at the final examination, just like theses written in Hungary.

    Besides Hungarian, the thesis may be written in any language of instruction at BME (English, French, German, and Russian), depending upon the approval of the departmental advisor.

    It is not possible to offer joint topics for two or more students in the second semester.

    The thesis must include the student’s statement that it reports the results of his/her own work. In case of joint thesis topics, the subtasks that were not solved individually must be clearly highlighted, considering that it is not possible to assign joint tasks for the second semester of the thesis work.

    9. Method of instruction

    Independent work with guidance from the advisor.

    10. Assessment

    a. During the semester: midterm grade

    The advisor continuously monitors the scheduling, the work progress, and the contribution of the student. The student must regularly report the work progress to the departmental advisor, even if the work is carried out outside the department.

    The submission of the thesis is not a condition for passing the subject. The subject is graded by the faculty member responsible for theses at the department, based on the recommendation of the departmental advisor.

    The student passes if the preparations for the thesis were carried out during the semester and presumably the thesis can be submitted without further guidance from the advisor.

    b. Submission of the thesis

    The deadline for submitting the thesis is the last day of classes in the semester in which the student wishes to defend the thesis.

    The thesis must be approved by the departmental advisor prior to submission. In case of a thesis topic offered by another faculty, university, or by a company (business organization), the external advisor makes a recommendation for approval. Criterion for submission with respect to the contents of the thesis: the thesis must present the solution for each individual subtask in the task assignment. In exceptional cases, when the solution of a subtask becomes unfeasible, the thesis can be submitted by the approval of the head of department and with a declaration of unfeasibility and its reasons in the subchapter corresponding to the subtask.

    Formal requirements: The thesis must be submitted

    ·         in 1 copy in print, in a single hardcover volume, with appendices (if necessary), and

    ·         in 1 electronic copy, according to the corresponding policy of the Faculty.

    Two or more students working on the same thesis topic shall submit their theses in separate volumes and in separate electronic copies.

    The main text shall span at least 50 pages and 100 000 equivalent characters.

    The thesis is public unless the thesis topic is declared classified by the dean. In such cases, the thesis becomes public 3 years after the successful final examination. The department is responsible for making the theses publicly available. Information about the writing, submission, and defense of the thesis is provided to the student by the department when assigning the thesis topic.

    If this subject was successfully completed, the final examination committee grades the thesis.

    11. Recaps

    In well-justified cases, the thesis can be submitted until the end of the week for supplementary assessments. In case of a submission later than that, the final examination is postponed to the next final examination period.

    Supplementary assessment is not available if the student fails to obtain a midterm grade. In such cases, the student shall register for the subject again in the next semester.

    Theses not accepted by the final examination committee (graded to fail) must be re-submitted. The final examination committee can request either the correction or the rewrite of the thesis. A Master’s thesis can be re-submitted only once. The dean decides about the conditions and the earliest deadline for re-submission, based on the opinion of the department.

    12. Consultations

    Thesis work is carried out under the guidance of either a departmental advisor or an external advisor. In case of external advisors, a departmental advisor must also be assigned to the thesis work. Departmental advisors are full-time or part-time faculty members, research scientists, teachers (master teacher, teacher of engineering, teacher of technology, teacher of business, practical instructor), engineers, doctoral candidates, and Ph.D. students; external advisors must be experts with a university diploma or master’s (M.Sc.) degree and must be approved by the department head. An external advisor is necessary only if the topic was not offered by the department or if it is beyond the expertise of all members of the department.

    13. References, textbooks and resources

    The student reviews and appropriately cites the literature needed to address the thesis topic, with the guidance of the advisor.

    14. Required learning hours and assignment

    Attending classes

    Preparing for classes

    Preparing for midterm examination


    Studying subject readings

    Preparing for examination

    15. Syllabus prepared by
    Name:Title:Department, Institute:
    Education Committee of the Faculty Council


    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics(VIK)