Belépés címtáras azonosítással
angol nyelvű adatlap
Leadership and Entrepreneurship
A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Informatikai vállalkozások
Last updated: 2010. november 11.
Mérnök informatikus szak
BSc képzés
1. Introduction Forming the teams The human characteristics of the genuine “Entrepreneur” Peculiarities of the IT/Technology sector
2. The business idea Identifying our objective and subjective constrains and competitive advantages Geographical-, social-, cultural-, financial-, etc. constrains Turning constrains into opportunities Identifying the optimal markets Real – Win – Worth analysis (“RWW test”) Strategic alliance policy
3. Case story presented by guest lecturer from the industry
4. First student presentation to investors: Business idea, RWW analysis
5. Different market maturity phases (discussing Moore, Geoffrey, Crossing the Chasm) Illustrative examples from Apple vs Microsoft and Graphisoft vs. Autodesk strategy
6. Discussing “Red Ocean” vs. “Blue Ocean” strategies, illustrating it with Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Google and Graphisoft vs. Autodesk example Cultural differences in the business US vs. Europe vs. Far East; Differences within Europe Business ethics
7. Second student presentation to customers: Customer benefits at different target groups
8. Financials Financing different growth phases (angel-, venture- and public market)
9. Case stories presented by guest lecturer from the financial community
10. Team management and motivation - Motivations in start up vs. matured phases - “Entrepreneurs” vs. employees - “Environmental” motivation factors (human and physical) - Short term and long term motivations - Cash vs. share motivation schemes - The need for dreams The right persons for the right positions - leaders vs. soldiers - executives vs. analysts - sales vs. marketing Channel development
11. Third student presentation: How to motivate employees
12. Corporate governance principles - private vs. public firms - the role of the non-executive directors - balance of interests among different stakeholders: o shareholders o employees o customers Dangers of the bubble markets Business in economic crisis