Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

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    Project Laboratory 2

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Önálló laboratórium 2

    Last updated: 2012. október 17.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    Software Engineering major, M.Sc. program


    Electrical Engineering major, M.Sc. program

    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIMIM860 2 0/0/5/f 5 2
    3. Course coordinator and department dr. Sujbert László,
    4. Instructors

    The project topic is assigned by the host department of the subject (usually, the host department of the specialization).

    In order to get assigned to a thesis topic offered by another department of the Faculty, the student must obtain both the release notice of the host department and the adoption notice of the other department. 

    5. Required knowledge

    The subject builds on knowledge of the fields of study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK).

    6. Pre-requisites
    TárgyTeljesítve("BMEVIHIM806") )

    A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

    A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.


    It is recommended that the topic is a follow-up of the topic pursued in Project Lab 1.

    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

    In this two-semester subject, students solve complex engineering problems, resulting in a technical product in which the student’s contribution is well separable. During the subject, they learn about each work phases in engineering and perform the subtasks with the highest possible level of independence.

    The two-semester Project Lab subject prepares the student for the thesis project (that lasts two semesters as well).

    The goal of the second semester is to complete the solution for the task, and to test and document the technical product.

    8. Synopsis

    In the second semester, students usually pursue the topic on which they worked in the first semester, according to the task assignment.

    Any decisions about modifications of the task assignment shall be made during the first week of classes, after evaluating the progress made in the first semester, in order to assure that it can be completed by the end of the semester. The format of the updated task assignment and its submission rules are set by the host department of the subject.

    At the end of the second semester, every student needs to report the completed work. The report consists of written and oral parts. The formal requirements and the scheduling of the final reports are set by the host department of the subject.

    A topic offered by another faculty, university, or a company (business organization) can be accepted only if the department assigns a departmental advisor. The external advisor must be an expert with a university diploma or master’s (M.Sc.) degree and must be approved by the department head. The topic shall be chosen and the documentation shall be written so that the work of the candidate can be evaluated without releasing information that violates the interests of the company (business organization).

    Project Labs can be carried out abroad as well, in any language of instruction at BME: Hungarian, English, French, German, and Russian. In this case, the topic and the tasks shall be confirmed in advance by the host department of the subject, similarly to the case of industrial Project Labs. The foreign advisor must write a short report about the candidate’s work that is evaluated by the departmental advisor. The work carried out abroad needs to be reported just like Project Labs completed in Hungary.

    Two or more students can work on a joint project, provided that the work and the results of each contributor can be unambiguously separated. In the task assignment, tasks to be solved individually, as well as those to be solved by other students working on the joint project needs to be clearly stated.

    9. Method of instruction

    The student must complete the tasks in the task assignment that had been written together with the advisor. If the work is carried out outside the department, then the student must regularly report the work progress to the departmental advisor.

    The department must provide the resources for the work that are not available to the student: arrange consultation with faculty members or external experts, provide special services and components. 

    10. Assessment

    a. During classes:

    Assessment during the semester

    ×          The advisor continuously monitors the scheduling, the work progress, and the contribution of the student. The student must regularly report the work progress to the departmental advisor, even if the work is carried out outside the department.

    ×          At the end of the semester, the student reports the completed work in an oral presentation. The report can be postponed at most once, and only with highly justifiable reasons. By the last day of classes, the technical product’s documentation must be submitted in an acceptable quality.

    Midterm grade

    A faculty committee consisting of project advisors gives a midterm grade by considering the following aspects:

    ×          the professional value of the work;

    ×          the student’s attitude towards the work and the degree of completion of the task;

    ×          the evaluation of the report;

    ×          the level of documentation.

    Students fail if:

    ×          the project was largely neglected;

    ×          the task assignment was not submitted;

    ×          the tasks for the semester were not completed in an acceptable quality by the end of the supplementary assessment period;

    ×          the written report was not submitted or the oral presentation was not delivered by the due date.

    11. Recaps

    Late submission of the written and oral final report is possible until the end of the supplementary assessment period.

    12. Consultations

    The project is carried out under the guidance of either a departmental advisor or an external advisor. In case of external advisors, a departmental advisor must also be assigned to the thesis work. Departmental advisors are full-time or part-time faculty members, research scientists, teachers (master teacher, teacher of engineering, teacher of technology, teacher of business, practical instructor), engineers, doctoral candidates, and Ph.D. students; external advisors must be experts with a university diploma or master’s (M.Sc.) degree and must be approved by the department head.

    13. References, textbooks and resources

    The student reviews and appropriately cites the literature needed to address the thesis topic, with the guidance of the advisor.

    14. Required learning hours and assignment
    Total150 hours
    15. Syllabus prepared by




    Department, Institute:


    Education Committee of the Faculty Council







    Comments Hungarian title of the subject: MSc Önálló laboratórium 2 (generikus)