Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    címtáras azonosítással

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    Broadband Wireless Telecommunication and Broadcasting Systems

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Szélessávú vezeték nélküli hírközlő és műsorszóró rendszerek

    Last updated: 2022. április 7.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    Multimedia Systems and Services EE MSc

    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIHVMA01 1 2/1/0/v 4  
    3. Course coordinator and department dr. Bitó János,
    4. Instructors

    Dr. Bitó János

    Associate Professor



    Dr. Frigyes István

    Professor emeritus


     Dr. Horváth Bálint
    Assistant Professor
    5. Required knowledge

    Signals and Systems I-II.


    Communications Theory

    6. Pre-requisites
    NEM ( TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIHVM257" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
    TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIHVM258" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
    TárgyEredmény("BMEVIHVM257", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0
    TárgyEredmény("BMEVIHVM258", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0
    TárgyEredmény( "BMEVITMMB08", "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
    TárgyEredmény("BMEVITMMB08", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0)

    A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

    A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

    Based on the theoretical background presented in Communications Theory, this subject introduces the fundamental methods applied in wideband wireless communications and broadcasting systems, covering the following main topics.


    The first topic covers some special aspects of digital communications, including spectrally efficient coding procedures (higher-order digital modulations ― MQAM, continuous phase modulations ― CPM, multi-carrier methods ― OFDM, FBMC), coded modulation systems, spread spectrum systems (for both constatnt and variable rate services), as well as multiple access systems (CDMA, FDMA, TDMA, SDMA) and multi-user receive techniques.


    The second topic introduces the properties of transmission media, giving an overview of the characteristics of terrestrial and satellite microwave media, terrestrial and satellite mobile, fixed and broadcasting radio channels (e.g. WSSUS), also covering point-to-point and point-multi point (e.g. MIMO) systems.


    The third topic is the presentation of special systems and devices, including terrestrial and satellite broadcasting and communications systems, such as DAB, DVB and DRM, as well as wideband and fixed wireless access (BFWA) networks, together with the aspects of the convergence of cellular and broadcasting networks (SDR, LTE, 5G, DVB IP, DVB RCT/S/C).


    The fouth topic gives an in-depth overview of the measuring technology of state-of-the-art digital broadcasting and communications systems, detailing their time and frequency domain properties, covering also modulation analysis, as well as bit error and packer error rate related issues. The baseband representation, as well as the modeling and simulation of these systems is also introduced, in addition to the generation of real and complex signals with given stochastic parameters along with simulation-based estimation of system parameters.


    By the end of the semester, the students will develop skills which enable them to design, model and investigate the fundamental (physical-layer related) properties of the emerging wideband fixed, cellular and broadcasting systems.

    8. Synopsis

    Breakdown of the topics presented by weeks:


    1.                  Modulation and system design of analog systems; terrestrial broadcasting systems (AM-DSB and -SSB, FM, FM-RDS, analog cable TV).


    2.                  Source coding theory and procedures of communications and broadcasting systems, overview of data stream structures (MPEG-1/2, Layer I, II, III, AAC, MPEG-4 AVC, HE-AAC, HVXC, CELP, Dolby AC-3; MPEG-2 TS and ETI).


    3.                  Refreshing: the main topics of Communication Theory

    Channel coding procedures of communications and broadcasting systems; block coding and convolutional coding, Viterbi algorithm, BCH, LDPC.


    4.                  The fundamentals of channel coding systems; interleaving, randomization, concatenated coders, iterative (turbo) coders.


    5.                  Digital modulation schemes (MPSK, MFSK, MQAM); waveforms, vector representation, bandwidth, transmit power, symbol error rate, transmitter and receiver structures, higher-order digital modulations.


    6.                  Coded modulation systems: trelis-coded modulation, TC-MPSK, TC-MQAM, soft decoding, continuous phase modulations (CPM)


    7.                  Properties of transmission media: terrestrial and satellite microwave media, the characteristics of mobile and fixed radio channels (e.g. WSSUS). The properties of broadcasting (terrestrial and satellite) radio channels.


    8.                  Spread spectrum and multiple access systems: SS (codes, direct sequence systems, slow and fast frequency hopping systems); multiple access systems (CDMA, FDMA, TDMA, SDMA), multi-user receive procedures.


    9.                  Multi-channel, multi-carrier systems: OFDM (orthogonality, channel correction in OFDM systems, guard interval, etc.), FBMC; point-to-point and point-to-multi point links also for SISO, SIMO, MISO, MIMO channels.


    10.              Digital television broadcasting systems (DVB system variants), the design and properties thereof. Complementary services of DVB (RCT, MHP, etc.).


    11.              The design and properties of digital radio systems (DAB, DAB+, FMeXtra, HD-Radio, DRM, DRM+, as well as ISDB-T/SB mentioned) (channel coding, modulation).


    12.              Convergence of communications and broadcasting systems: merger of TV and radio standards (T-DMB and radio broadcasts in DVB-ben), integration with communications systems (SDR, LTE, 5G), virtual networks.


    13.              Analysis of communications and broadcasting systems; investigation of spectral and transfer characteristics, effects of linear and non linear distortions, time and frequency domain characteristics, modulation analysis and bit error rate as well as packet error rate measurements.


    14.              Presentation of the main elements of wideband wireless systems via examples (mobile and fixed, terrestrial and satellite networks). Baseband presentation of digital transmissions, overview of modeling and simulation procedures. Quality analysis of communications and broadcasting systems, analog signal quality assessment, digital QoS parameters, digital picture quality assessment.

    9. Method of instruction 2×45 min lecture and 1×45 min seminar per week.
    10. Assessment


    o    Attendance on lectures

    o    NZH (written examination)

    Exam period:

    o    Exam

    11. Recaps NZH (written examination) can be substituted in the substitution period. No further possibility for substitution of the substituted NZH.
    12. Consultations according to previous agreement
    13. References, textbooks and resources

    Proakis, Salehi: Communications System Engineering, Prentice Hall Second Edition, 2002.

    Walter Fischer: Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology (Springer, 2008.)

    Gerald W. Collins: Fundamentals of Digital Television Transmission (John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

    Paul Dambacher: Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (Springer, 1997.)

    14. Required learning hours and assignment
    Kontakt óra42
    Félévközi készülés előadásokra12
    Félévközi készülés gyakorlatokra8
    Felkészülés zárthelyire12
    Önálló tananyag-feldolgozás
    15. Syllabus prepared by

    Dr. Bitó János

    Associate Professor


    Dr. Horváth Bálint Péter
    Assistant Professor HVT

    Dr. Frigyes István

    Professor Emeritus
