Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    címtáras azonosítással

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    Simulation of Electronics Circuits

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Elektronikus áramkörök szimulációja

    Last updated: 2022. április 6.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    Optional Course for BSc & MSc Level Electrical Engineering Students 

    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIHVJV62   0/2/0/f 2  
    3. Course coordinator and department dr. Nagy Lajos,
    4. Instructors



    Department, institute

    5. Required knowledge

    Signals and Systems

    Digital Design


    6. Pre-requisites
    NEM ( TárgyTeljesítve("BMEVIMH9362") )


    NEM KépzésLétezik("5N-08") VAGY
    NEM KépzésLétezik("5N-A8") VAGY
    NEM KépzésLétezik("5N-M8")

    A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

    A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

    Recommended: electronics I and II
    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

    Introduction of the state-of-the-art circuit simulation computer programs used in the modern engineering practice, as well as practicing their use and further deepening the skills obtained about the electronic circuits by solving practical simulation problems.

    8. Synopsis

    8.1. Introduction: the evolution of simulation programs, the history of the SPICE simulator and its versions, non-SPICE based simulators

    8.2. Modeling issues, modeling of semiconductors, functional models

    8.3. Basic algorithms of circuit simulation: operating point calculation, transient analysis, calculation of transfer characteristics

    8.4. Fundamentals and syntax of the SPICE circuit definition language, simple circuits, node and component names, setting of values and subcircuits

    8.5. Using individual analysis types: operating point calculation, transfer characteristics, sensitivity analysis, transient analysis, distortion calculation, small signal transfer function

    8.6. Presentation of the simulation results: conventional output data structure, graphical representation, post-processing opportunities, parametric analysis

    8.7. Using the schematic editor: editing diagrams, symbols and symbol library operations

    8.8. Block-based and multi-level diagrams, interfacing to PCB design programs

    8.9. Simulation of digital and mixed signal circuits: functional analysis, delay effects and their consequences, input and output modeling of digital circuits, mixed signal simulation

    8.10. Signal integrity simulation, usage of transmission lines, investigation of termination types (near-end and far-en terminations), investigation of the effect of capacitive loads

    8.11. Simulation of high frequency circuits: the concept of scatter parameters and the usage thereof, simulation of the input reflection and transfer properties of attenuators and low-pass filters, introduction of filter design

    8.12. Simulation of telecommunication systems, characterization of frequency mixers and amplifiers, investigation of a single-mixing heterodyne receiver

    8.13. Circuit measuring exercise: operating point measurement of a transistor amplifier, comparison of the measured data with the simulation results, measurement of the driving range and its comparison with the simulation results

    8.14. Circuit measuring exercise: introduction of the measurement of high frequency and microwave circuit components, investigation of the transfer and reflection of a filter and an amplifier, demonstration of large-signal properties, as well as the comparison of all these results with the simulated values

    9. Method of instruction

    The lectures are held in a computer lecture room where the students individually perform the exercises as and which are set out by the instructor. The lectures consist of a theoretical introduction and of specific practical exercises completed by a simulation software. The subject also incorporates laboratory experiments two times.

    10. Assessment

    a. In the class period :

    Precondition of obtaining signature for the semester and permission for the exam:

    - preparation of homework and its submission until the end of the class period

    b. In the examination period:

    Obtaining grade for the subject

    - written exam

    c. Pre-exam: in the last week of the class period

    11. Recaps

    -submission of the homework is possible in the supplementary week

    -the written exam can be repeated during the next examination

    12. Consultations

    As individually agreed with the instructors.

    13. References, textbooks and resources

    Székely Vladimir, Poppe András: Áramkörszimuláció a PC-n (Computerbooks, 1996.)

    Borbély Gábor: Analóg áramkörök szimulációja és analízise személyi számítógépen (Novodat Kiadó, 1997.)

    U. Tietze, Ch. Schenk: Analóg és digitális áramkörök, (Műszaki Könyvkiadó, 1985.)

    Dr. Hainzmann J. - Dr. Varga S. - Dr. Zoltai J.: Elektronikus áramkörök (Tankönyvkiadó, 1992.)

    14. Required learning hours and assignment



    Preparation for lessons


    Preparation for test




    Learning of prescribed matters


    Preparation for exam




    15. Syllabus prepared by



    Department, institute:

    dr. Bertalan Eged



    Csaba Szombathy

    Assistant lecturer
