
A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Szakmai gyakorlat

Last updated: 2012. október 17.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Electrical Engineering major

B.Sc. program

Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
VIHVASZ6   0/0/0/a 0  
3. Course coordinator and department Bánky Tamás,
5. Required knowledge

The subject builds on knowledge of the fields of study at the Electrical Engineering major.

6. Pre-requisites
  1. Prior to specialization, students must register for the subject offered by the Faculty;
  2. Students who have already specialized must usually take the subject corresponding to their specialization, or subspecialization (if applicable).
7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

The goal of the internship is to provide students an opportunity to acquire basic practical electrical engineering skills in their specialization, to get familiar with the organizational and professional structure of a company, and to prepare for future engineering work in a real environment. The internship lasts at least six weeks, during which students complete tasks assigned by their departmental and industrial advisors. However the task may be related to the topic of the thesis, project lab, and independent research activity, it must be clearly separable from those.

8. Synopsis

The task to be completed during the internship is assigned by the industrial advisor (from the business organization or company) and it is specified in detail. Details of this procedure are described in the regulations for internships.

9. Method of instruction

Four weeks (20 workdays) of practical professional work carried out at external sites (not at the educational institution). The available sites and time ranges are described in the regulations for internships.

Instructions for registering:

  1. if the internship takes place during classes, the student should register for the subject in the current semester.
  2. if the internship is during the summer break, the student should register for the subject in the following Fall semester.
10. Assessment

During the internship, students work under the supervision and guidance of the departmental or industrial advisor. Daily work hours follow the standard working hours of the department or the company. Students write daily work logs during the internship. The advisor certifies the work log at the end of the internship by signing it.

At the end of the internship, students submit a written report. With the prior confirmation of the responsible member of the department or the Faculty, the report can be written in any language of instruction at BME (Hungarian, English, French, German, and Russian), no matter which country the internship was completed in. The advisor signs the report and writes a short evaluation about the work. The work log, the report and the evaluation must be submitted to the department that offered the internship topic. The submission deadline is set by the member of the department responsible for internships, in accordance with the academic calendar (e.g., summer break).

11. Recaps

In case of unsuccessful internships for any reason (no show, report not accepted), supplementary internships are possible during the next internship cycle.

12. Consultations

The industrial advisor provides guidance during the internship and for the preparation of the report. Besides the industrial advisor, a departmental advisor must be assigned. Departmental advisors are full-time or part-time faculty members, research scientists, teachers (master teacher, teacher of engineering, teacher of technology, teacher of business, practical instructor), doctoral candidates, or Ph.D. students; industrial advisors must be external experts with a university diploma or master’s (M.Sc.) degree.

13. References, textbooks and resources

The student reviews and appropriately cites the literature needed to address the thesis topic, with the guidance of the advisor.

14. Required learning hours and assignment
Attending classes 
Preparing for classes 
Preparing for midterm examination 


Studying subject readings 
Preparing for examination 
15. Syllabus prepared by
Name:Title:Department, Institute:
Dr. Pál NémethAssistant professorDepartment of Electron Devices
Education Committee of the Faculty Council