Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

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    Network Planning and Operations

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Hálózatok tervezése és üzemeltetése

    Last updated: 2024. február 20.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
    Electrical Engineering
    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIHIMB04   2/1/0/v 5  
    3. Course coordinator and department Farkas Károly,
    4. Instructors Dr. Károly Farkas    associate professor    Department of Networked Systems and Services
    Dr. Zoltán Zsóka        associate professor    Department of Networked Systems and Services
    Dr. Tibor Cinkler    full professor    Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics
    Dr. Markosz Maliosz    associate professor    Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics
    5. Required knowledge Algorithm theory, Databases, Infocommunication networks
    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge The primary objective of “Network Planning and Operations” is to provide students with an insight into the methodology of planning and operations of infocommunication networks. The subject specialises in the related practical knowledge through the practice of elementary planning and operation/configuration methods and the analysis of ready-made solutions.
    In the framework of the subject, the theoretical foundations of the structures and operations of IP-based networks are reviewed, starting from packet-switched communication through route selection to network services. Task-oriented network modeling based on standard approaches is discussed in detail, as well as the selection and application of practical design and analysis methods. The topic of network registration, configuration and operations is processed by discussing modern DevOps-based methods that support automatic orchestration.

    8. Synopsis 1. Networks’ structure and operations 1
    Overview of basic network concepts.
    Network levels, architectures: access – metro – backbone, centralized – distributed.
    Structure of IP-based networks: AS, transit – peering.
    Data plane, management plane, control plane.

    2. Networks’ structure and operations 1
    Addressing: IPv4, IPv6.
    Routing, routing protocols: OSPF, BGP.
    Network services: ARP, DHCP, ICMP, NAT.
    Modern network techniques: virtualization, automation, SDN, NFV, 5G+.

    3. Design aspects of networks
    Overview of design fundamentals.
    Design requirements, application requirements: CDN, Cache, 5G aspects, Cloud-Native, Edge-Cloud, Data Center.
    SRLG, degree limit, distance limits, route selection based on physical signal degradation.

    4. Network traffic and service quality
    Network traffic management: traffic matrix, transit traffic, background traffic.
    Aspects of service quality, measurement: QoS/QoE (bandwidth, throughput, delay,
    delay jitter).
    Network slicing and its implementation methods.

    5. Networks’ reliability
    Network protection, fault protection and recovery (dual/multi-homing, dual/multi-connectivity).
    Synchronization of networks.

    6. Network modeling
    Graph, path, tree, network, network flows.

    7. Network algorithms
    ILP (Integer Linear Programming),
    SiAn (Simulated Annealing),
    SiAl (Simulated Allocation),
    GA (Genetic Algorithm).

    8. Green networks
    Energy consumption of networks.
    Optimization of energy consumption: use of renewable energy, "energy harvesting", consolidation, selective shutdown.

    9. Network management and operations basics
    Network management and operations fundamentals.
    Lifecycle management of ICT infrastructures.
    Overview of traditional management approaches: FCAPS, TMN/TOM/eTOM, ITIL.

    10. Network monitoring 1
    Network monitoring fundamentals.
    Overview of popular monitoring tools: ping, traceroute, SNMP, syslog.
    Troubleshooting, error tracking.

    11. Network monitoring 2
    NetFlow basics.
    SPAN basics, local/remote SPAN, ERSPAN.

    12. Network programming
    Network programming basics, CLI, API.
    API usage, REST API, Postman.
    Data formats: XML, JSON.
    Data models and protocols: YANG, NETCONF, RESTCONF.

    13. Orchestration tools
    Orchestration fundamentals.
    Overview of agent-based tools: Puppet, Chef, SaltStack.
    Overview of agentless tools: Ansible, Puppet Bolt, SaltStack Salt SSH.

    Detailed topics of practical exercises/labs
    1. Setup and configure a simple network
    2. Applications like AR/VR, IIoT and others
    3. Design and optimize PON
    4. Optimize cloud applications
    5. Optimize national optical backbone
    6. Troubleshoot networks
    7. Program networks via REST API

    9. Method of instruction Lectures, small group individual and guided practices.

    10. Assessment During the semester: pass 2 out of 3 kisZHs (small tests).
    During the exam period: written exam (theoretical questions, simple assignments).
    11. Recaps KisZHs (small tests) cannot be improved (TVSZ par. 16 para. 1).
    12. Consultations Consultation will be organized before the kisZHs (small tests) in case of request.

    13. References, textbooks and resources •    The preparation is aided by the extended electronic lecture materials and prepared examples, as well as the literature given below
    •    Jeff Doyle, Jennifer DeHaven Carroll: Routing TCP/IP, Volumes 1-2, Cisco Press
    •    CCNP and CCIE Enterprise Core, ENCOR 350-401, Official Cert Guide, Cisco Press
    14. Required learning hours and assignment
    Preparation for classes
    Preparation for test
    Homework assessment
    Learning of prescribed matters
    Preparation for exam
    15. Syllabus prepared by Dr. Tibor Cinkler    full professor    Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics
    Dr. Károly Farkas    associate professor    Department of Networked Systems and Services