Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

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    Parallel Architectures

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Párhuzamos architektúrák

    Last updated: 2017. május 29.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
    PhD Course
    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIHID043   4/0/0/v 5 1/1
    3. Course coordinator and department dr. Imre Sándor Zsolt,
    4. Instructors Dr. Gábor NÉMETH
    5. Required knowledge Computer architectures, Digital technics
    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge In the modern computer science a basic need is the treatment of the information processing models of parallel and distributed systems and the basics of the relevant architectures. Treatment of the basics of formal design methods. Application of formal design methods for systems providing guaranteed correct logical solutions in case of applying arbitrary subsystems. Treatment of the generalisation of the classical models.
    8. Synopsis 1.week: Information processing models.
    Control driven architecture (loosely coupled and tightly coupled multiprocessor systems). Data flow architecture (instruction  and procedure level data flow organisations).
    Demand driven architectures.
    Information driven architectures (neural networks and associative processors).
    2. week: Cooperation of processes, moving agent principle.
    3. week: Ordering of events. Generalisation of the behavioural models. General sinchronisation of cooperating processes (demand driven, permission driven and close cooperation).
    4.week: Design methods for distributed resource control algortihms. Creation of formal, complete and consistent specifications from informal, incomplete and inconsistent problem formulation.
    5. week: Theory of directly executable specification languages.
    6. week: Creation of modified finite state automata model for large scale parallel and distributed system design.
    7. week: Creation of modified finite state automata model for large scale parallel and distributed system design (continued).
    8. week: Modification of the basic data flow model for the design of large scale parallel and distributed systems.
    9. week: Design systems based ont he advanced data flow model.
    10. week: Theoretical bases of the abstract (algebraic) specidication method.
    11. week: Theoretical bases of the abstract (algebraic) specidication method (continued).
    12. week: Design of large scale system with abstract specification method. Creation of the logical design model.
    13. week: Application of formal proof method during the design process in order to create a correctly operating large scale system.
    14. week: New theoretical and practical results (new technologies, e.g. superconductivity, organic transistors, quantum computers).

    9. Method of instruction Lecture
    10. Assessment oral exam
    14. Required learning hours and assignment
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    15. Syllabus prepared by Dr. Gábor Németh