Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    címtáras azonosítással

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    Infocommunications Laboratory II.

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Infokommunikáció laboratórium 2

    Last updated: 2015. december 2.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIHIAD01 7 0/0/2/f 2  
    3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Fazekas Péter,
    4. Instructors Dr. Árpád Huszák     assistant professor    HIT
    Dr. Péter Fazekas     research fellow    HIT
    Dr. Balázs Sonkoly    assistant professor    TMIT

    5. Required knowledge Communication networks 1-2
    Médiaalkalmazások és -hálózatok a gyakorlatban tárgy
    Hálózatba kapcsolt erőforrás platformok és alkalmazásaik tárgy

    6. Pre-requisites
    (Szakirany("AMINinfokommHIT", _) VAGY
    Szakirany("AMINinfokommTMIT", _) VAGY
    Szakirany("AMIinfokom", _) VAGY
    Szakirany("AMImédiainf", _) VAGY
    Szakirany("AMImédiatech", _) VAGY
    Szakirany("AMImob", _)

    VAGY Szakirany("VIABI-INFC", _) )

    ÉS TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIHIAC02" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2

    ÉS NEM ( TárgyEredmény( "BMEVITMA427" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
    TárgyEredmény("BMEVITMA427", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0
    TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIHIA426" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
    TárgyEredmény("BMEVIHIA426", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0
    TárgyEredmény( "BMEVITMA432" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
    TárgyEredmény("BMEVITMA432", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0
    TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIHIA431" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
    TárgyEredmény("BMEVIHIA431", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0
    TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIHIAD02" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
    TárgyEredmény("BMEVIHIAD02", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0)

    A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

    A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

    According to „Rules of choosing specializations”.
    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge The objective of this lecture is to complete with practical considerations the theoretical knowledge gained in earlier subjects. For this purpose the students will practice engineering solutions and look at real life problems of networks and media communication systems.
    8. Synopsis Laboratory practices at the Department of Networked Systems and Services

    -    Digital image coding I.
    Demonstration of most important principles of bitrate reduction techniques (quantisation, DPCM, under-sampling, DCT). Practical application of image coding, the students objectively and subjectively evaluate the effect of changing coding parameters on image quality.

    -    Digital image coding II.

    Demonstration of algorithms used in MPEG coding (movement compensation, movement prediction, predictive coding, macro-block prediction). CBR and VBR coding.
    -        IP streaming

    Demonstration of IP based video forwarding solutions (IPTV, Internet TV), operation of media servers. Application of camera systems.

    -    Media creation

    The task is to create a 3 minute video at home, according to pre-defined requirements (cutting, effects, animation, subtitles, voice), which is evaluated and analyzed together by the lecturer.

    Laboratory practices at the Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics

    -    P2P networks and applications

    Measurements on real P2P networks, configuration of simple P2P networks, evaluation of applications.

    -     Cluster and grid systems and their applications

    Setting up cluster and grid systems in laboratory environment, evaluation of applications.

    -    Datacenters, cloud operation systems

    Demonstration of various components of datacenters, their configurations, setting up and evaluation of cloud operating systems (e.g. OpenStack, OpenNebula), overview of possible applications.

    9. Method of instruction The practices are held in laboratories of the Department of Networked Systems and Sertvices and the Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics. During the semester, the students are working in groups of 2-3 persons. Each of the 7 practices should be carried out in a 4 hour timeframe. Students have to prepare based on study materials provided by the department. At the beginning of each practice students write a short test to demonstrate the level of preparation. In case of insufficient test result, the student has to repeat the practice.
    Fulfillment of the practice is justified by the signature of the lecturer. Students should provide a written report, containing their results, not later than one week after the practice. Marks are given according to the reports and the work provided during the practice.

    10. Assessment Students should prepare, based on electronic material available through department websites. Students are requested to write a short test, based on the questions available in the preparation materials. In case of failure, the student must repeat the practice. During the semester only one practice can be repeated. Fulfillment of the practice is justified by the signature of the lecturer. A written report of the practice should be provided electronically by the student, not later than the last working day on the week following the practice. The course is successfully finished if all practices are fulfilled with each having mark of 2 at least. Marks for each practice is provided by the lecturer, based on the results of the short tests, work provided during the practice and the written reports. Final mark is the rounded average of the marks given for each practice.
    11. Recaps Repeated practice can be done during the semester, according to prevoius arrangement.
    12. Consultations On demand, during the semester, according to previous arrangements.
    13. References, textbooks and resources Electronic material available through department web portal.
    14. Required learning hours and assignment
    Kontakt óra28
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    Házi feladat elkészítése8
    Kijelölt írásos tananyag elsajátítása 
    15. Syllabus prepared by Dr. Árpád Huszák     assistant professor    HIT
    Dr. Péter Fazekas     research fellow    HIT
    Dr. Balázs Sonkoly    assistant professor    TMIT
    Dr. Gábor Fehér    associate professor    TMIT