Electronics 1

A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Elektronika 1

Last updated: 2022. november 15.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
VIHIAB03 4 2/2/0/v 5  
3. Course coordinator and department dr. Telek Miklós József,
4. Instructors

Schranz Ágoston Kristóf, HIT

Matolcsy Balázs, HIT

6. Pre-requisites
(NEM TárgyTeljesítve_Képzésen("BMEVIHIAB02") )


(( (EgyenCsoportTagja("VILL - 2022 - MINTATANTERV HALLGATÓI") VAGY
TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIHVAB02" , "aláírás" , _ ) = -1 ÉS


( (EgyenCsoportTagja("2014_tanterv_hallgatoi_vill") VAGY

(TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIHVAB01" , "aláírás" , _ ) = -1 VAGY
TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIHVAB02" , "aláírás" , _ ) = -1 )) ) VAGY


A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge In the subject, the students learn the application techniques of semiconductor components, bipolar (BJT) and Field Effect Transistors (FET) learned in the Microelectronics subject, relying heavily on the knowledge learned in the Signals and Systems subject. The subject presents the calculation and low-frequency and high-frequency analysis of basic semiconductor circuits using the operating point linearization method. It concerns the basic knowledge of application circuits of operational amplifiers built with bipolar and FET transistors, and simple stability testing of circuits. In addition to small-signal tests, the subject also deals with large-signal analysis of circuits. In addition to manual analysis methods, the subject also presents computer simulation testing of circuits. The student who completes the subject will be able to analyze simple transistor, operational amplifier circuits at the operating point, small and large signal, determine frequency dependence, with the help of models that can also be calculated by hand. In addition to manual methods, students will be able to use circuit simulation programs and interpret the obtained results properly.
8. Synopsis Detailed topics of the lectures
1. Overview of diodes, bipolar transistors (BJT), their characteristics, small-signal, large-signal models, normal active range of operation, presentation of the LTspice circuit simulator program.
2. Bipolar transistor operating point setting, operating point stability, temperature dependence, large-signal behavior, controllability, Direct Current, Alternating Current representation, current mirror.
3. Schematic symbols, characteristics of MOSFETs, JFETs, behavior under and over saturation region, operating point setting, controllability, large-signal behavior, direct current, alternating current representation of FET circuits.
4. Discussion of power amplifiers, complementary transistor pairs, "A" and "B" class operation: output power, power taken from the battery, efficiency, dissipation "A-B" "C" and "D" class amplifiers, heat conduction equivalent circuits, designing of heat sinks.
5. Small-signal frequency independent equivalent circuits of bipolar transistors, three parameter equivalent circuit of linear amplifiers: Rin, Ao, Rout, common emitter, common base, common collector basic circuits.
6. Small-signal frequency-independent equivalent circuits of FETs, basic parameters of common source, common gate, and common drain basic circuits.
7. Frequency-dependent analysis, review of Bode diagrams, analysis of the coupling capacitor, parallel capacitance, analysis of the emitter, source complex, analysis of inductively coupled load, analysis of transformer coupling.
8. Parasitic capacitances of bipolar (BJT) and FET transistors and their operating point dependence Cbe, Cbc, (Cgs, Cds), frequency dependence of the current amplification factor of the bipolar transistor, Transit frequency, the Miller effect, frequency-dependent analysis of the basic circuits, examination of the frequency dependence of the amplifier chain, cascode circuit, phase splitter circuit.
9. Differential amplifiers, differential and common mode description, basic circuits of differential amplifiers, large-signal behavior, offset voltage and its causes, offset of cascade amplifier chain.
10. The ideal operational amplifier and its basic circuits: inverting, non-inverting, adder, subtractor, integrator, differentiator. Simple operational amplifier internal structure, operational amplifier working point setting, Bias, offset, drift.
11. Asymmetric, symmetrical signal routing, from the difference amplifier to the measuring amplifier, the input resistance of the amplifiers, their common mode suppression, measuring amplifier with variable gain.
12. Negative feedback in operational amplifier circuits, loop amplification, stability testing of linear amplifiers (Nyquist, Bode), compensation of operational amplifiers, frequency response of a feedback amplifier; GBW, Unity Gain Stable concepts, analysis of one-pole, two-pole open-loop gain models, analysis of the maximum rate of signal change (Slew Rate).
13. Comparators, hysteresis comparator, bistable, monostable, astable multivibrators, electronic switches with diodes, MEMS architecture, and MOSFET.

Detailed topics of the exercises
1. Calculation of linear resistive networks. Analysis of controlled generator circuits. Getting to know LTspice and applying it to the analysis of linear resistive and controlled generator networks.
2. Operating point adjustment of bipolar transistors, base divider, current generator operating point adjustment, multi-stage bipolar transistor circuits operating point calculation.
3. Large signal analysis of bipolar transistor circuits containing reactant and resistive elements.
4. FET circuits (MOSFET, JFET) working point setting and large signal analysis.
5. Analysis of class A and B power amplifiers, heatsink designing.
6. Frequency-independent, small-signal analysis of bipolar transistor circuits, application of alternating current equivalent circuit, linear small-signal equivalent circuit, comparison of LTspice simulations with manual calculations.
7. Frequency-independent, small-signal analysis of FET transistor circuits, application of alternating-current equivalent circuit, linear small-signal equivalent circuit, comparison of LTspice simulations with manual calculations.
8. Analysis of the low-frequency frequency dependence of bipolar and FET transistor circuits, analysis of the effect of coupling and emitter (source) capacitors, creation of a Bode diagram, comparison of LTspice simulations with manual calculations.
9. High-frequency frequency-dependent analysis of bipolar and FET transistor circuits, application of linear small-signal equivalent circuit, Miller effect, preparation of Bode diagram, comparison of LTspice simulations with manual calculations.
10. Calculation of differential amplifier circuits, operating point adjustment, small signal analysis, offset voltage calculation.
11. Analysis of ideal operational amplifier circuits, DC error analysis of non-ideal circuits, calculation of offset and drift.
12. Analysis of differential and asymmetric signal transmission, calculation of measuring amplifiers.
13. Stability calculation of operational amplifier circuits, frequency-dependent testing of feedback operational amplifiers, application of different open-loop amplification models.
9. Method of instruction Lecture, guided practice in small groups, talent management program for the 10 best students after the first test in laboratory
10. Assessment
During the semester: successful writing of one traditional test (min. 40%) During the exam period: Traditional written exam, written by hand, with the solution of one theoretical and four practical problems.
11. Recaps During the semester, we will give the students the opportunity to rewrite the test to pass a previously failed test. An unsuccessful rewritten test can be passed repeatedly during the replacement period.
12. Consultations If required, we provide a consultation at a pre-arranged time.
13. References, textbooks and resources Supporting materials available for all lectures and exercises in the subject's moodle system:
- Lecture video.
- Presentations in .pdf.
- Lecture note - detailed explanation of the lecture transparencies.
- LTspice simulations for the presentation, with which connections learned in class can be tested, changed, analyzed and studied.
- Practice video.
- Practice examples, diligence tasks, previous ZH tasks with solutions.
- LTspice simulations for practice examples, with which the results of manual calculations can be checked and compared.

14. Required learning hours and assignment
Kontakt óra56
Félévközi készülés órákra21
Felkészülés zárthelyire33
Házi feladat elkészítése0
Kijelölt írásos tananyag elsajátítása0
15. Syllabus prepared by Dr. István Koller master lecturer
IMSc program
Advanced level exercises, during which faster progress enables the negotiation and solution of more complex tasks.

IMSc score IMSc points can be obtained with the additional task solved on the first test and the additional problems solved on the exam. Total available IMSc points: 25 A maximum of 10 IMSc points can be obtained by solving two additional problems in the first test in addition to the tasks belonging to the normal requirement. In the written exam, a maximum of 15 IMSc points can be obtained by solving two additional tasks in addition to the normal tasks. IMSc points can be obtained in test or in the exam by those who have reached the outstanding level by solving the normal tasks set there. The possibility of obtaining IMSc points is also provided for students not participating in the IMSc program.