Virtual Instrumentation, Testing and Validation

A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Virtual Instrumentation, Testing and Validation

Last updated: 2019. március 7.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Major in Electrical Engineering
Subject of Smart Systems Integration+ EMJMD

Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
VIEEMA07 1 2/0/2/f 4  
3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Ender Ferenc,
4. Instructors



Department, institute:

Dr. Ferenc Ender

Associate professor

Department of Electron Devices

Gusztáv Hantos

Assistant lecturer

Department of Electron Devices

5. Required knowledge Mathematics, Physics, Programming, Electronics
7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge The aim of the course is an introduction to integrated electronic hardware design which includes the thorough component selection, circuit design and sizing steps, testing and validation. Students get familiar with the state-of-the-art instrument control and virtual instrumentation techniques which are used for the testing and validation of electronic components and equipment. The course also prepares the students to design, compose and maintain automated data acquisition, testing and validation systems. The principles of component selection, sizing and the fundamentals of design for testability are introduced through practical examples. During the lab practices, a concrete circuit is chosen to get familiar with the design, implementation and testing steps, and also with the software realization of the virtual instrumentation testbench.
8. Synopsis Part 1
Virtual Instrumentation Basics
  • Week 1)    Datagraph theory, programming basics in LabVIEW: objects, loops, control structures, data storage
  • Week 2)    Data structures (arrays, clusters, type definitions), file management, file formats
  • Week 3)    Working with data: manipulating, sorting and filtering data. Displaying data: charts and graphs
  • Week 4)    State machines, linear and parallel data transfer
  • Week 5)    Synchronized data transfer (buffered and non-buffered transfer), event based and synchronous event-based programming
  • Week 6)    VI testing, VI validation. VI design for testability, Validation design patterns. Evaluation of validation results. Process model, test execution control, report generation.
  • Week 7)    Data acquisition, DAQ system design. Hardware-in-the-Loop approach. Component and system design for HiL approach.
Midterm 1
Part 2
Auxiliary Hardware Design for Smart Systems
  • Week 8)    Design guide for choosing discrete components for various applications, considerations of design for testability: passive/active components (resistors, capacitors, inductances, transformers, diodes, transistors, switches, relays etc.
  • Week 9)    Power supply for embedded systems: Classification of different power supply types linear, Buck/Boost/Cuk/Charge-pump converters, Flyback/Forward converters
  • Week 10)    Sensors for Smart Systems I: Compact solutions for transducers and sensors, signal conditioning, calibration, correction circuits, validation, equations on different circuits around sensors
  • Week 11)    Sensors for Smart Systems II: Classification and short introduction of embedded system applications, thermal/pressure/force/acceleration sensors
Part 3
Project design (Week 12-13)
Midterm 2

Laboratory work
a)    VI development in LabVIEW (Week 1-8)
b)    SPICE Analysis Introduction: DC operating point, time and frequency domain, PSU use cases (Week 9-11)
c)    Testing & Validation with Hardware-in-the-Loop approach (Week 12-13)

9. Method of instruction 2 hours/week lectures and 2 hours/week laboratory practices including demonstration with practical examples and case studies. Students are entitled to use a free 1-year student license of LabVIEW IDE.
10. Assessment
a.    Participation: according to the code of studies, at least 70% of the laboratory classes are compulsory
b.    During the term: two mid-term tests in week 7 and in week 14 with 50% - 50% contribution to the final grade
c.    Small-homework project

Requirement for granting the signature for both midterms: >= 2 (satisfactory) AND homework project is accepted.
Those students who get excellent (5) grade are eligible for CLAD (Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer) examination. Those who pass the exam are awarded by the CLAD certification.

11. Recaps If a student fails to turn up at any mid-term tests, it can be repeated during the term. Failed mid-term test can only be repeated once. In principle there is no second repeat for the failed mid-term test. Late submission of the homework project in the repeat period is possible.
12. Consultations By appointment with the instructors.
13. References, textbooks and resources Mandatory curriculum:
  • Periodically updated electronic tutorials by the instructors
Optional, auxiliary resources
  • NI LabVIEW Core 1 and LabVIEW Core 2 textbooks
  • Ulrich Tietze, Christoph Schenk, Eberhard Gamm: „Electronic Circuits, Handbook for Design and Application” (ISBN: 9783540786559)

14. Required learning hours and assignment



Preparation for classes


Preparation for classroom practices


Preparation for test




Learning the prescribed matters


Preparation for exam




15. Syllabus prepared by



Department, institute:

Dr. Ferenc Ender

Associate professor

Department of Electron Devices

Gusztáv Hantos

Assistant lecturer

Department of Electron Devices