Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    címtáras azonosítással

    vissza a tantárgylistához   nyomtatható verzió    

    Komplex hardvertervezés

    A tantárgy angol neve: Complex Hardware Design

    Adatlap utolsó módosítása: 2017. június 21.

    Tantárgy lejárati dátuma: 2019. június 30.

    Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
    Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar
    Major in Electrical Engineering
    EU Erasmus Mundus Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration MSc
    Tantárgykód Szemeszter Követelmények Kredit Tantárgyfélév
    VIEEM244   2/0/2/v 4  
    3. A tantárgyfelelős személy és tanszék dr. Ress Sándor László,
    4. A tantárgy előadója



    Department, institute:

    Gusztáv Hantos

    PhD student

    Department of Electron Devices

    Ferenc Ender

    Assistant professor

    Department of Electron Devices

    5. A tantárgy az alábbi témakörök ismeretére épít Fundamentals of Smart Systems, Sensors and Actuators
    6. Előtanulmányi rend
    The subject is only for the students of Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration. Registration for the subject is not allowed for students who gained credits from VIEEBV04 (Complex hardware design I.) or VIEEAV13 (Complex hardware design on cyber physical platforms).
    7. A tantárgy célkitűzése The course aims to introduce the design and development of the modern complex hardware systems from the idea to the implementation. The students will get insight into the state-of-the art methods and design systems available in hardware design, testing and measurement automation. The design laboratory practices focus on the practical design issues of hardware components, embedded systems and instrument control.
    8. A tantárgy részletes tematikája

    Lecture topics:

    1:    Introduction: design flow from the specification to the realized device

    2:    Overview of design methods, introduction of up-to-date MCAD and ECAD systems. Specification issues.

    3:    Comparison of hardware implementation techniques from microcontrollers to ASIC devices.

    4:    System design approach. Case study: System-on-a-Chip Devices, peripherals of a SoC

    5:    Central hardware alternatives, Programmable Devices (CPU, MCU, CPLD, FPGA and SoC overview)

    6-7: Communication in complex hardware systems: on-die, on-board, on-system communication methods

    8-9: Sensors in complex systems: compact solutions for transducers and sensors, signal conditioning, calibration, correction circuits, embedded system applications, thermal/pressure/force/acceleration sensors.

    10-11:Power management: design issues, wired and wireless techniques. Buck/boost/Cuk/charge-pump converters, Flyback/forward converters, design case study

    12:  High power devices in complex systems. Discrete components, mechanical and thermal issues.

    13:  Virtual instrumentation, instrument control: sequential processing, master-slave and producer-consumer design patterns, state machines.

    9. A tantárgy oktatásának módja (előadás, gyakorlat, laboratórium) 2 hours/week lectures and 2 hour/week (computer) laboratory practices including demonstration with practical examples and case studies.
    10. Követelmények

    a.    During the term: one mid-term test

    Requirement for granting the signature: >= 2 (satisfactory).

    b.    In the exam period:

    Way of examination: written

    11. Pótlási lehetőségek

    On mid-term test

    If a student fails to pass at mid-term test, it can be repeated during the term. In principle there is no second repetition.

    12. Konzultációs lehetőségek By appointment with the instructors.
    13. Jegyzet, tankönyv, felhasználható irodalom Mandatory curriculum:
        Periodically updated electronic tutorials by the instructors

    14. A tantárgy elvégzéséhez átlagosan szükséges tanulmányi munka



    Preparation for lectures


    Preparation for practices


    Preparation for laboratories


    Preparation for midterms




    Literature review


    Preparation for exam




    15. A tantárgy tematikáját kidolgozta



    Department, institute:

    Dr. Sándor Ress

    Associate professor

    Department of Electron Devices

    Gábor Marosy

    Assistant lecturer

    Department of Electron Devices

    Gyula Horváth

    Assistant professor

    Department of Electron Devices

    Ferenc Ender

    Assistant professor

    Department of Electron Devices