
A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Optoelektronika

Last updated: 2018. május 5.

Tantárgy lejárati dátuma: 2023. július 31.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,

Elective subject

Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
VIEEJV14   4/0/0/v 4  
3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Poppe András,
4. Instructors

Dr. Imre Zólomy, Department of Electron Devices

5. Required knowledge

VITMA301 Elektronics I.

VIEEA306 Microelectronics

6. Pre-requisites
NEM ( TárgyTeljesítve("BMEVIEE9114") )

A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

This subject cannot be chosen by anybody who has accomplished the VIEE9114 Optoelektronika subject.
7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge The subject discusses a relatively broad range of optoelectronic devices in depth of the knowledge that students have sure knowledge of device operating characteristics, structure, typical application areas in optical communications and in measurenments. The subject is presented only in the English language, primarily for foreign students, but Hungarian students may also elect it.
8. Synopsis

Week 1

Optoelectronic semiconductor materials and their technology.

Energetic interactions of light and material. The wave equation and its solution. Plane wave, phase velocity, refractive index. Refraction. Generation and recombination in semiconductors and their relationship to the light sensing and light emission.

Week 2

Macroscopic solids, heterostructures, optical properties of nanometer-thick layers. Passive devices: transmission properties of optical waveguides and direction couplers.

Week 3

Optical fibers in practice. Dispersion. Multipath dispersion, abrupt and gradual change of refractive index type multimode optical fibers. Material dispersion, Waveguide dispersion, single-mode fibers.

Week 4

Absorption, attenuation, atomic and electron resonance, the minimum absorption wavelength. Light spillage of the optical fiber, the scattering mechanisms.

Week 5

Resonators and optical sensors. Controlled passive devices: optical deflectors, modulators, switches.

Week 6

Optical amplifiers. Light amplifier mechanisms in optical fibers. Rahman and Brillouin scattering. Stimulated scattering. Light-doped optical fiber amplifier. Semiconductor light amplifiers.

Week 7

Photodetectors. Light Detection using pn junction. The PIN photodiode. Avalanche photodiode. Heterojunction photodiode. The detectors for optical and electrical characteristics.

Week 8

Image converter, storage and dissector devices. MOS and CCD video recorders. CCD operation basics. Various CCD arrangements. Realization of the high speed shutter.

Week 9

Electronic light sources: LED structures, electrical and optical characteristics. LEDs as light sources in optical fibers. LED lighting applications.

Week 10

Stimulated emission. Structure, types, and optical modulation properties of laser diodes. Cut-off frequency, transient operation modes. 

Week 11

Integrated optoelectronics. Strip waveguides. Phase shifter, switch, deflector, translator is an integrated design. Integration of semiconductor light sources and detectors in common base

Week 12

Display devices. LCD, plasma, photoluminescent displays.

Week 13

Organic semiconductors, OLED light sources and displays.

Week 14

Optical digital information recording. Holographic information recording, DVD-ROMs, flash EPROMs.

9. Method of instruction Lectures in English
10. Assessment

a.         During the term: one mid-term test, recommended on 10th week. Requirement for granting the signature: at least 40%.

b.         In the exam period:

Way of examination: written

c.         Exam before the examination period:

11. Recaps

There is a possibility at the end of the semester to tepeat the test. No further repetition is allowed.

12. Consultations The day before the exam or by appointment with the instructors there will be a possibility for consultation
13. References, textbooks and resources

Amon Yariv: "Quantum Electronics" III.ed. John Wiley & Sons

John Gowar: "Introduction to Optical Fibre Communication Systems"Prentice-Hall, International Series in Optoelectronics

Tudor E.Jenins: "Optical Sensing Techniques and Signal Processing" Prentice-Hall, International Series in Optoelectronics

Sol Sherr: "Electronic Displays" John Wiley & Sohn


14. Required learning hours and assignment



Preparation for lectures


Preparation for practices


Preparation for laboratories


Preparation for midterms




Literature review


Preparation for exam




15. Syllabus prepared by






Dr. Zólomy Imre


professor emeritus


Dep. of Electron Devices