Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    címtáras azonosítással

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    Design in Software Development

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Design a szoftverfejlesztésben

    Last updated: 2024. március 25.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    Mérnökinformatikus Szak

    Villamosmérnök Szak

    Szabadon választható tantárgy

    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIAUAV44   2/0/0/f 2  
    3. Course coordinator and department dr. Kővári Bence András,
    Web page of the course
    4. Instructors Name



    Dr. Bence András Kővári 

    associate professor

    Department of Automation and Applied Informatics

    Dr. Tibor Kovács 

    associate professorDepartment of Automation and Applied Informatics

    Lőrinc Kiss 

    UX designer

    Department of Automation and Applied Informatics




    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge The aim of the subject is a comprehensive methodological overview of the user-friendly and aesthetic design of the interfaces of software on different platforms. A good user interface makes it possible for users not to get lost in the operation of the application, but to focus exclusively on doing their work. During the completion of the subject, students can learn about the process of user interface design from the idea phase through implementation to testing and evaluation through numerous theoretical and practical examples. They get a comprehensive picture of the application of the collaborative methods used in the UX/UI design profession from both the participants' and organizers' sides, which, as a software developer, facilitates cooperation with the designer team.
    8. Synopsis

    1. Presentation of the theme of the semester, schedule. Fitting the design process into software development, roles in the design team. Case studies, historical foundations. Introduction to UX and UI design.

    2. Presentation of the UX design process, description of the toolbox (double diamond and other representations, research, heuristic analysis, sketch, wireframe). Collaboration and the process of working together (design studio, brainstorming, formal review, critique, workshop) UI research, competitive analysis, branding principles.

    3. Description of the research process, interviews, field work, processing of the results (personas, HMW, user journey). Importance and finding of brand personas, image design, tone of voice.

    4. Design principles (alignment, arrangement, repetition, contrast). Gestalt rules, consistency. Design for mobile devices, compliance with touchscreen needs. Styles and design trends of recent years.

    5. Presentation of the most common UX tools (Xd, Balsamiq, Photoshop). Special screens (empty screens, error states). Sketching, wireframing. Collaboration of UX and UI designers, work based on wireframe.

    6. Presentation of the most common UI tools (Xd, Zeplin, Illustrator). Prototyping, user testing, the importance of AB-testing. Cooperation with developers.

    7. UX Workshop

    8. Onboarding process with UX and UI in mind. Description of tooltips, dark patterns, hooked model. Illustrations and their role, landing page and function.

    9. Introduction to color theory, typography, technological background of typography. Design output, resource requirements and their management.

    10. Accessibility, unconventional UIs. The most common design systems and their corresponding UI kits (Material, OSX HIG), the structure of design systems (Atomic, Expressive). The role and importance of copywriting.

    11. Iconography (iconsets, logo design), appearance of animations in the design.

    12. Delightful details, microinteractions connected with UX.

    13. UI Workshop

    14. Emotional design, game design principles, gamification. Game UI considerations.
    14. Required learning hours and assignment
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