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magyar nyelvű adatlap
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Management and Business Economics
A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Menedzsment és vállalkozásgazdaságtan
Last updated: 2023. április 18.
Villamosmérnöki alapszak
Mérnökinformatikus alapszak
Üzemmérnök-informatikus alapszak
Erdei János master teacher
Dr. Szabó Tibor assistant professor
Dr. Szádeczky Tamás assistant professor
Gerse-Krizsa Teréz assistant lecturer
Dr. Benedek Petra assistant professor
Sándorfi Gergő Álmos PhD student
Dr. Molnár Bálint assistant professor
Basic concept of companies and their operation.
The course introduces the essentials of management as they apply within the contemporary work environment and gives a conceptual understanding of the role of management in the decision making process. Particular attention is paid to management theories:principles of management, marketing management,, quality management, production and project management. For problem formulation, both the managerial interpretation and the mathematical techniques are applied.
Strategic management: organizational environment and its levels and principles, methods and their application in connection.
Management: resouces and processes of organizations, management functions and roles, teamwork, communication in organizations, management systems, product and its life-cycle.
Midterm 1
Quality management: evolution steps, basics of the ISO 9000 and the quality management systems, TQM, continuous improvement.
Operation and service management: basic principles of the operation of these systems, tools of manufacturing (project management, inventory, capacity, cost), tools of capacity planning and calculation.
Midterm 2
Repeat of the midterms
Performance assessment: the part of the curriculum on which the assessment is based is determined by the lecturer, the available working time is 25-30 minutes. There is no minimum score to be achieved for each performance evaluation. Optional partial performance assessment: the method of completion, the amount of the scores that can be obtained are determined by the lecturer. In each section, the sum of the summative academic performance assessment and the partial performance assessment may not exceed 50% of the maximum assessment of the subject.
Midterm 1 + active participation during the lectures: 50%
Midterm 2 + active participation during the lectures: 50%
Total: 100%
There is no minimum requirement for each midterm, but their replacement is possible at the time announced at the beginning of the semester. Both midterms can be replaced and repaired, and for these occasions, you must apply in advance. Due to the nature of the active participation, active participation cannot be replaced, repaired, and cannot be separated or replaced in other ways. The new result is taken into account. It is considered a repair to write the midterm if the student has reached at least sufficient grades based on the original midterm. There is no other option beyond the one replacement opportunity.
By making appointment with the lecturers.
Materials provided by the lecturers.
Brian Atkinson, Robin Miller: Business Economics, Pearson Education, 1998. ISBN10: 020140351X Paperback
Michael Baye: Managerial Economics & Business Strategy, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN10: 0071263209 Paperback
preparing for midterm exam