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    Design and Operation of Smart Grid

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Smart elosztóhálózatok tervezése és üzemeltetése

    Last updated: 2015. február 18.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudomány Egyetem
    Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar

    Villamosmérnöki alapszak

    Sustainable Power Engineering Specialization

    Smart Grid sub-specialization, kötelező tárgy

    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIVEAC03 6 2/1/0/v 4  
    3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Csatár János,
    4. Instructors



    Tanszék, Intézet:

    Dr. Dávid Raisz

    Associate Professor


    Dr. Bálint Hartmann

    Senior Lecturer


    László Prikler

    Assistant Lecturer


    5. Required knowledge

    Basics of electrotechnics, structure of power systems, basics of electricity generation and distribution, elements of power system operation, fundamentals of three-phase system analysis

    6. Pre-requisites
    Szakirany("AVINsmartgrid", _)
    VAGY Training.code=("5NAA7")

    A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

    A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.


    Electric Power Transmission (BMEVIVEAC00)

    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

    This sub-specialization subject builds on students' interest, who are seeking to acquire knowledge about smart distribution systems operation, planning of public electricity networks, network integration of renewable energy sources, regulatory and decision support systems connected to the value-chain 'energy production – distribution and end use'.

    The course is designed for the introduction of the following aspects of future intelligent electricity distribution networks (smart grids): design, operation, protection, control systems, planning and analysis methods related to conventional and renewable energy sources. A systematic approach to these topics is essential. The subject gives insight into actual trends in smart grids, smart metering, electro-mobility, and distributed energy storage issues. The course seeks to disseminate knowledge on theoretical background of complex physical processes related to energy technologies, and also the application of this knowledge in computer-aided design, as well as in the efficient and safe operation. It shows computer simulation techniques suitable for examination of the steady-state system and transient processes, services provided by the modern software tools, computational models and parametrization solutions.

    8. Synopsis

    1.       Principles of Power System computer modeling, modeling and parameterization of system components, system model simulation.

    2.       Regulation of the reliability, availability, and quality of service requirements .

    3.       Network topologies and substation availability

    4.       Power quality. Short circuit current limiting.

    5.       Short circuit current limiting methods, issues influencing the choice of neutral grounding: an international review, case studies, effects of intermittent arcing faults. Practical, operational and economic aspects of the choice between neutral  treatment alternatives

    6.       Fault Location practices (remotely operated switches, recloser applications and other intelligent methods)

    7.       Connection problems of small and household-size power plants and their effects on voltage quality.

    8.       Energy storage and network integration of electric mobility

    9.       Distribution Network Design Considerations, requirements, steps of design. Long-term forecasts and network development plans

    10.    Standards and licensing/authorization procedure and requirements

    11.   MV / LV system operation, troubleshooting, tasks related to operation and operation planning

    12.   Energy management. Control and ICT system applications and developments.

    13.   Sensors and actuators in smart distribution networks.

    14.   Influencing options of  consumer and producer behavior.

    9. Method of instruction

    Every week three lectures and one computer-lab. 

    10. Assessment

    ·         During the semester:

    o   Passing the midterm test,

    o   Accepted homework,

    o   Active participation at computer lab practices.

    ·         Written exam. 

    11. Recaps

    One opportunity to retake the midterm test during the semester. During repeat period, another opportunity (with extra charge) is provided to re-retake the midterm test. Late submission of the homework is possible during the repeat period with extra charge.

    12. Consultations

    Personally after lectures and labs, or at times arranged per email.

    13. References, textbooks and resources

    W.D. Stevenson: Elements of power system analysis, McGraw-Hill

    R. N. Dhar: Computer Aided Power System Operation and Analysis. McGraw-Hill

    ATPDraw version  user manual, ISBN 82-594-2344-8, Aug 2002

    Power World Simulator Tutorial

    Digsilent Power Factory Tutorial

    14. Required learning hours and assignment
    Kontakt óra56
    Félévközi készülés órákra14
    Felkészülés zárthelyire10
    Házi feladat elkészítése20
    Kijelölt írásos tananyag elsajátítása
    15. Syllabus prepared by



    Tanszék, Intézet:

    Dr. Dávid Raisz

    Associate Professor


    Dr. Bálint Hartmann

    Senior Lecturer


    László Prikler

    Assistant Lecturer