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    Electrical Machines and Drives

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Villamos gépek és hajtások

    Last updated: 2016. április 28.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    Mechanical Engineering Faculty

    Energetics Engineering BSc

    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIVEA095   3/1/0/f 4  
    3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Veszprémi Károly,
    4. Instructors Dr. Károly Veszprémi, professor, Department of Electric Power Engineering
    5. Required knowledge Physics, Electrotechnics, Electronics
    6. Pre-requisites
    TárgyEredmény( ahol a TárgyKód = "BMEVIVEA002", ahol a Típus = "JEGY", ahol a Ciklus = tetszőleges, ahol a KépzésKód = tetszőleges) >= 2

    A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

    A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

    Compulsory: Electrotechnics (BMEVIVEA002)
    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge To teach the basic construction, operation, characteristics, operational circumstances, parameters of electric machines. On this basis let the students be able to learn the basic operation, parameters, different supply methods of DC and AC drives, and let they be able to perform basic calculations.
    8. Synopsis

    1. week: Transformer: operation principle, construction, equivalent circuit, vector diagram, operation.

    2. week: Kinetics of electric drives (referring the inertia and torque to common shaft, stability, motion equation, time constants). Using the per-unit system.

    3. week: Construction and operation of DC machine, its induced voltage, torque and equivalent circuit.

    4-5. week: Excitation methods of DC machines, mechanical characteristics. Constant voltage supply. Starting of DC machines. Braking methods of DC machines: regenerative, resistive, plugging. Speed modification. 

    6. week: Converter-fed DC drives. Converter topologies. Operation neglecting the overlap. Power conditions of converter-fed DC drives.

    7. week: Topology, control and characteristics of the DC chopper-fed DC drives.  

    8-9. week: 3-phase vectors (Park.vectors). Magnetic fields and induced voltage of AC machines. Induction machine: operation principle, equivalent circuit, power flow, vector diagram, current vector diagram, mechanical characteristic curve for constant voltage supply.

    10. week: Starting of induction machines. Braking methods of induction machines: regenerative, plugging, dynamic braking. Speed modification methods of induction machines: modifying the rotor resistance, modifying the supply voltage, modifying the pole-pair number.

    11-12. week: Frequency-converter-fed induction machine drives. Operation and voltage waveform of simple inverter. PWM voltage-source inverter-fed drive.

    13. week: Synchronous machine: operation principle, construction, equivalent circuit, vector diagram, connecting to the network, load development, torque. Current vector diagram of the cylindrical rotor synchronous machine.

    14. week: Static and dynamic stability of synchronous machines.

    Practices: computation practices in starting , connections, upper-harmonics, per-unit values, time constants, vector diagrams. 

    14. Required learning hours and assignment
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